CAWCoaching - Mindset & Travel Coaching
Are Mindset Coaching Programs for Me?
YES! The quality of my life depends a great deal on the quality of my thoughts. With the right mindset, I can guide my life in the direction of my choosing.
You DO have control over your life, and these programs will help you take control of your thinking to get the results you desire.
If you are doing any of the below actions, Mindset Coaching Programs are for you. Click on each specific topic link to get additional details on each program.
Hi, I'm Christine!
If I had learned what I know now in my 20's, I wouldn't have let the situations in life frustrate me as much. My old thinking kept me from showing up as the best version of myself.
The tools I have learned and want to share with you will help you manage your thinking. I will teach you that when you think a certain thought, it makes you feel a certain way, and when you feel a certain way, you do or don’t do what you want, and when you take that action or inaction you end up creating the results you have in your life.
I am so grateful that I finally learned to manage my thinking, and I really want to teach these tools to you so that you don't have to go through the same struggles that I did.
~ Do you spend a lot of time complaining?
~ Do you verbally beat up on yourself? On others?
~ Does nothing seem to go right for you?
~ Do you question if you drink too much?
~ Do you hate your body image or how much you weigh?
~ Are you living paycheck to paycheck?
~ Do you feel surrounded by clutter?
~ Do you question your path in life?
~ Do you let fear and anxiety keep you from what you want?
If you answered yes to any of those questions ~ Mindset Coaching is for you.
~ Our life is not about the external circumstances.
~ Our life is about the internal components; mindset, attitude, thoughts, beliefs.
~ Our purpose in life is to practice daily personal development so that we show up in life as the person we were meant to be.
~ Don't let outside circumstances dictate how you show up in life.
~ Develop yourself so that you become the person you need to be in order to create the life you were meant to live.
Finally Connecting The Dots
When you finally connect the dots and learn to manage your thoughts, along with learning to choose which thoughts to believe ~ you will feel exactly how you want to feel; which will cause you to act the way you want to act; which will create the outcomes you want in life.